10 Ways To Reinvigorate Your Work-Life Balance
When it comes to maximizing our productivity, showing up as our best selves, and crushing our career goals, we’re willing…
How to Approach Your Boss If You Want a Raise
You’re going to ask for a raise. Did your stomach just leap into your throat at the sight of that…
The Best Money Hack My Mother Taught Me
I have seen study after study back up the importance of talking to kids about money. It’s not all that…
The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Understanding Health Insurance
You know all of those really important skills you should have learned in high school but never did? We’re talking…
Expert Financial Advice Everyone Should Follow
I, like many of you, have big dreams for my future. I want to see the world, build my dream…
Should You Try The Pomodoro Technique?
The first time I learned about the Pomodoro Technique, I was standing in my manager’s office as she was staring…
How To Make the Full-Time to Freelance Transition
When I tell people I work as a freelance writer, the most common question I’m asked is about how I…
Meet Evernote: Our Best Kept Secret for Staying Ahead of the Workplace
One thing about me? I’m a Type-B person disguised as a Type-A person. I’m that girl who sends post-nap “still…
How To Make Large Purchases Without Going Into Debt
POV: You have received a save the date for your BFFs wedding. While estimating just how much that’s going to…
Trends and prospects of the global innovation market
In today's rapidly evolving world, innovation has become a driving force behind global economic growth. The global innovation market continually…